Know Yourself Prompt Cards
The School of Life have put together this very interestig set of 60 prompt cards designed to help take you through the important task of knowing yourself a little better in life.
As The School of Life put it, there is no doubt just how hard it is to 'understand who we really are: what we want, how we feel and why we react as we do. This lack of self-knowledge can be trouble, for it makes us get into the wrong relationships, pick unsatisfactory jobs or spend money unwisely.'
Socrates himself summed up all the counsel of philosophy in just two words: 'Know Yourself'.
These cards are designed to help us on our way to understanding ourselves better; they offer a range of ideas and questions with each card involving an exercise on one side and a piece of analysis on the otherside. All the way through a journey that helps you see more clearly: yourself.
60 cards in box
Measures: 104mm x 73mm x 36mm
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